I remember as a kid watching a cartoon called Fred Flintstone. He came home from work and his pet Dino came running carrying on like a pet dog would now adays.

When we went to school as a child we learned about a creature called a brontosaurus. It was discovered around 1880. We were told how many millions of years ago (about 100) that they died out. It is a bit confusing that they really didn’t have any of the so cold “modern” dating techniques when it was discovered but still somehow they knew that it died out hundreds of millions of years ago.

Around 700 to 400 BCE the book of Job was written. It talks of a creature called Behemoth (Job 40:15). “Look at Behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox. What strength it as in its loins, what power in the muscles of its belly! It’s tail like a cedar.” In the margins of some Bibles is a comment indicating this creature is possibly an elephant or hippo. If you read the rest of the description a reasonable person would think something more like a brontosaurus. Does an elephant have a tail like a cedar?
We have all seen “Dino”. We saw and heard him do things. Is he real? Could we just call up Fred and ask him?
We have obviously had brontosaurus bones for some time. Our basic assumption from the very beginning was that they died out a long time ago. A world view that wants to ignore God must have that assumption. Did it actually exist? If you have bones, then flesh must have been there at some time. In a city called Jaspur near Uttarakhand, India, a dinosaur with flesh on it bones was found. In 2005 they found soft tissue in dinosaur bones that were supposed to be 75 million years old. Flesh should be long gone.
How could the book of Job describe a creature like a Behemoth that describes (brontosaurus) so closely and with such detail? The text is describing something that the readers are assumed to be familiar with. Its diet and size our described in some detail. How can you describe something in such detail, without evidence?
The Bible as a historical document was apparently written by eyewitnesses. The Bible as the word of God is written by the ultimate eyewitness, God Almighty.
We are not dealing with Bible reality or Cultural reality. The detail given of these creatures in the Bible is proof of the Bibles authenticity. Yes, it is another proof that God is real.
There once was a creature called a ichthyosaur. The Bible describes something like that also. Can you find it?
Job 41