If you go into google maps and map a walking course from Nazareth to Bethlehem it says it would take about 31 hours. If we were to try it, we would probably find places to eat and pick up supplies. Still to walk it would take about 3 days. If you need to carry your supplies with you would take a bit longer. This would especially be true if you were taking along someone who was 9 months pregnant. Donkey, or not, we would be looking at a long brutal 5 days journey.

Where would you sleep? Would your food be cold, or would you build a fire and cook it? How sanitary or clean would it be. She is pregnant, a lot of stops were probably necessary. 2000 years ago, the route may have been a little longer. There would have been no rest areas with facilities. Probably a route close to streams or the Jordan river.
If there was a donkey imagine getting a woman in Mary’s condition on and off. If not, how fast could she travel?
Bethlehem, the birthplace of King David, was not a large city by any means. Large enough for an inn or two. It was a fair distance from Jerusalem. The town was packed with people who were there for the census. Did they have running water back then, trash collection or a sewer system? Perhaps some semblance of these things but there probably was a certain aura about the situation.
They couldn’t find room for them there. They were forced to take shelter in an animal stable or shed. Again, not the most advisable situation. It was probably cool. Mary was probably scared. Her husband was with her, but she was vulnerable and without the help of doctors, nurses, midwives, or pain killers.
The baby Jesus was born. His little heart was beating about 130 BPM. They had to clean Mary and Jesus up with what they had handy. The baby cried. They rapped him in strips of cloth and laid him in a trough used to feed animals.
Angels sang,” Glory to God in the Highest”!
Shepherds came.
Mary pondered these things in her heart.
The blood of Christ was already flowing in that little baby. Later, his blood, that baby, was sacrificed on our behalf. In this Christmas Season, let us not forget the greatest gift ever given.
Jesus Christ!
Please Read Luke 2:1-20
Don’t let Christmas go by without going over the Christmas story.
Thank you, Lord God. Amen…………
