They were on their way. She was a bit scared. She had never done this before. He could see that and pushed the car a bit faster. The sooner they got to the hospital the better he would feel. She was definitely in pain. (Gen 3:16) The doctors could make her more comfortable. The hospital had all it would take to make sure that she, and their new son would be fine.
Later that evening they held the miracle of God (Jer 1:5), whom they named Christopher, in their arms and were in awe. Soon, the new grandma and grandpa would visit.

They were on their way. (Luke 2:4) She was a bit scared. She had never done this before. (Matt 1:23) He could see that and pushed the donkey a bit faster. The sooner they got to Bethlehem (Luke 2:4) the better he would feel. She was definitely in pain. There was nothing he could do about it. He hoped to find an Inn (Luke 2:7), or some type of shelter (quote) soon because it would not be much longer. All they had was the grace of God and each other.
Later that evening they held the miracle of God, whom they named Jesus, in their arms. It all happened in a lowly stable. No doctors, nurses, or clean sheets. A bit later they were visited by some shepherds and wise men.
Both trips were a blessing for the families. One was a gift to the whole world. (John 3:16)
For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a savior, which is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:11)
What are you going to do about it?
(Merry Christmas)