Is there anything wrong with the following statements.
“I am doing what I think is right.”
“It is ok. Everybody is doing it.”
These statements imply that individuals make their own rules.
Man’s fall in the Garden of Eden is a bit of an example (Genesis 3:1-7). Eve knew what God had said not to eat of the fruit, but she did it anyway. She chose to make herself God. She decided what she that was best instead of listening to God. Satan had said, “You will not surely die”. We know what God said. Like children we do not always know why our parents do what they do. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our children simply did whatever they thought was a good thing? NOT!!!
As Christians we do not always know why God does some things, but we do know he loves us. (Isaiah 55:8, John 3:16)
The fact is we should be doing what God says is right. We should be avoiding sin and doing what is pleasant to the Lord.
Much of God’s laws are written in our hearts (Romans 2:14-15) and we can learn more about the nature of God through prayer and reading his word. If you skip prayer and reading the word, it is like playing a game and not knowing much of the rules. Can you really come out ahead that way? Should you make your best guess or ask God what to do?
It appears many of us deliberately disobey God. We do not take sin as seriously as God does. (1 Corinthians 6:7-10) Most of us do not even know the rules. Many of the Ten Commandments are completely ignored. This is a grave situation. We sin and do not even acknowledge our sin. Isn’t it required of us to repent?
Here is a little obedience checkup.
1) Do you deliberately disobey God?
2) How do you know if you have disobeyed God?
3) Do people know, outside of the church walls, that you are a Christian?
4) The Bible says to search the scriptures diligently. (John 5:39) Were you immediately drawn to look up the verses above before this question?
5) Jesus summarized the Ten Commandments with two love commandments. Are you obedient?
If you are sitting on the fence concerning this issue.
Revelation 3:16
"So then because thou are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue the out of my mouth."
Dear Lord God, grab our hearts and minds and pull us toward your will. Amen.