Here we have a bit of evidential apologetics along with the word of God.
The Sufficiency of scripture implies that Gods word is enough, other people or science are not needed to verify it. Science must be wrong if it contradicts the Bible.
(2 Timothy 3:16) All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
An allegory is a useful story. If much of scripture is allegorical as some have suggested, then at best it should be used as a guide to be a good person.
Jesus quoted (Genesis 1:27; 2:24) when talking about marriage and said “Have you not read that in the beginning God created male and female” (Matt 19:4). It doesn’t sound like Jesus thought he was talking about a story.
You must conclude that Jesus knew what he was talking about, or he didn’t.
The Bible lists the father of Adam as God (Luke 3:38) , not an ape or sub species of man. Sin and death entered the world because of man. Thousands of generations of death did not create/evolve Adam.
In the Bible every time a number is used with the word day such as 1st day it is talking about a 24-hour period. Some people try to say that some of the days were really a very long time or that God could not have created things in the order listed in the Bible.
Is Science as reliable as God?
In science the dates and ages of rocks are assumed based on a series of soil types and the layer of earth they are in. These counted as different ages. This was used to calibrate the carbon 14 dating. Thus, an old earth was pre assumed to develop the method. Often, they use the layers of dirt to verify carbon dating and carbon dating to verify the ages of the earth. (Can anyone say, circular reasoning)
The world used to be flat scientifically. They probably got it right now but what else is wrong?
Living snails have been dated from around 2300 years old to 27000 years old.
A pregnant mastodon was given an age of about 20000 years, but its unborn offspring was 40000 years old.
Many items of known ages have been dated with sporadic results. Generally, bad ages or ages that don’t line up with what is expected are thrown out and the rest are kept.
Should our belief in God’s word be based on something like this?
God’s word is attested to by multiple eyewitnesses. It has prophetic powers that have been verified repeatedly.
Some Christians do believe in an old earth. But how they can say “the parts of the Bible that I believe are true” but “the rest of the Bible is just stories” is beyond me. Jesus told some parables but I was fairly obvious when he did it.
Warning: Satan has convinced much of the world that God’s word is just a bunch of stories. He is pulling many, especially the younger generation straight to the fire.
Do you believe God some of the time?
Do you believe God all the time?
What do your loved ones believe?