We are told in Matthew chapter 28 by Jesus himself to go out and preach the Gospel to the world. Doesn’t this mean we have to know what the Gospel is? Shouldn’t we be constantly learning and becoming more proficient in the Word that God has so perfectly laid out for us?
There are some simple truths we must know to save people from their own ignorance, perhaps even ourselves. For example, The Bible does not say if your good out ways your bad that you make it to heaven. The Bible does not say that most people are basically good. We are supposed to be ready to give an answer to anyone that asks the reason for the hope that we have. The only way to be ready is through prayer and study. Last month I left a simple series of questions. I did receive a little response, but almost no one bothered to dive in and solve the puzzle. Thus, this time I have made it much easier.
1) Is there a good reason to skip the rest of the questions?
Keep this Book of the Law constantly in your mind and reflect on it day and night so that you can be mindful to follow all its instructions. After that, you'll be successful and affluent.
2) What is the Address?
3) Where is the nearest ‘Book of the Law to you?
The time is drawing close, therefore whomever reads aloud the words of this prophecy will be blessed, as will anybody who hears it and pays attention to what is said.
4) What is the Address?
5) What time is drawing close?
Keep my instructions in your heart, my son, and do not forget what I have taught you. They will help you live a long life and offer you serenity and wealth.
6) What is the Address?
7) What instructions and has he taught you?
All of Scripture is inspired by God and can be used for instruction, correction, and training in righteousness. This way, the servant of God will be fully prepared for every good deed.
8) What is the Address?
9) What does it man by ‘good deed”?
Finally, here are a couple of general questions.
10) What is the answer to the question “What must I do to be saved”?
11) Apply your answer the question 9 to the thief on the cross beside Jesus. Was he saved?
Here is some helpful information:
Joshua 1:8, Luke 23:43, Mark 1:15, 1 Peter 3:15, Revelation 1:3, Romans 3:23, 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Well, here is some food for thought. What are you going to do about it?